SUMMERSIDE – Oct. 23, 2015 – Even though the vast majority of small Canadian businesses make a net profit of only one per cent or so, it is very possible, by taking certain strategic measures, to increase that number to 10 per cent. So suggested Canadian economic guru Ron Robichaud of Nova Scotia to the 12 participants at the Morning Conference for Entrepreneurs and Co-operators in Summerside Oct. 22.
During his conference, titled “Maximizing the profit potential of your business”, he encouraged entrepreneurs to fix goals and to transform their expenses and revenues in to percentages so that they could easily determine where their real gains and losses are. The participants were all impressed by his three-hour presentation.
At the end of the morning, Bonnie Gallant presented a thank-you gift to Robichaud on behalf of the organizers and partners of the conference: the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI, RDÉE PEI, Wellington Rural Action Centre, CBDC Central PEI and Innovation PEI. This event was part of La Belle Alliance’s Pumpkin Festival and of Co-op and Small Business Weeks.