Another information session for parents: How to support youth in their transition to post-secondary education

CHARLOTTETOWN – Oct. 22, 2021 – All parents of Francophone high school students or youth in transition are invited to attend another free information session Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 7 p.m., either in person or virtually, to learn how to better support and accompany their adolescent children as they transition to post-secondary education or the labour market.

Sylvie Desjardins, career and professional readaptation specialist at NxCareer in Moncton, NB, will be the guest speaker at the session, which will be delivered in French in person at the Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean in Charlottetown for parents in the capital and surrounding areas and via Zoom for those in other regions.

RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s Youth Transition Program, in collaboration with the Fédération des parents de l’Î.-P.-É., have invited Desjardins to return to PEI to speak to Island parents.

« Last winter, parents who attended Desjardins’ presentations during her virtual tour of different regions of the Island really appreciated her words and suggestions, which were delivered with humour, warmth, passion and compassion, » explains project officer Imelda Arsenault. « Parents gained a better understanding of what they should be doing to encourage their youth and not doing to control their choices. They told us that they had never even considered some of the logical suggestions that Desjardins offered. They report that they are now much better equipped to support their youth.”

Organizers believe that many more parents « absolutely need to hear this presentation”. That’s why this second visit is being organized.

During the session, parents will learn:
• to understand their role in their child’s career development;
• how to intervene and support but not influence;
• the impact of parents’ attitudes towards the job market;
• the art of asking the right questions of their child; and
• why career suggestions are not recommended.

Interested parties should register in advance by contacting Imelda Arsenault at 902-439-2933 or


PHOTO: Sylvie Desjardins, career and professional readaptation specialist at NxCareer.

For more information:
Imelda Arsenault, Project Officer
Youth Transition Program