A gift for everyone at the Acadian Entrepreneurs’ Gala

CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI – Feb. 27, 2012 – Even though he may not have a long white beard, a red costume and a belly full of jelly, Chris Foley from promotional products distributor Pro Max 2000 of Charlottetown acts just like Santa Claus every year.

In fact, Pro Max 2000 will again provide a nice little gift for every single participant at the Entrepreneurs’ Gala being organized by the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI, Saturday, March 17, at the Centre Belle-Alliance in Summerside. Foley can be seen giving a sample gift to Gala assistant coordinator Helen Bergeron.

During the gala evening, a number of door prizes, provided by many businesses and organizations, will be drawn. This means everyone will go home a winner. Tickets for the event are on sale only until March 9.

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