Draw being organized to help pay mascot costume for Jaguars sports teams

CHARLOTTETOWN – Nov. 28, 2019 – The leadership and entrepreneurship class at École François-Buote in Charlottetown is looking to raise funds to design a mascot for the school’s Jaguars sports teams. This class, led by teacher Maxime Duguay, is therefore organizing a draw, offering as a prize a beautiful park bench in the captivating colours of the Acadian flag.

Students in this high school class – Raphaël Duchesne, Seif Helmy, Tyrell Lloyd and Brennen Gallant – estimate that they will need about $700 to develop and make the mascot costume. It will obviously be a jaguar, but its name has not yet been determined.

The students have announced that they will sell a maximum of 100 tickets, at $10 each or three for $20. Tickets are available by phone in Charlottetown at 902-330-5078 or 902-316-2273, or in Wellington at 902-854-3439, ext. 228, or by e-mail at seifh2003@outlook.com. The draw will take place Dec. 19.

Stéphane Blanchard, RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s youth development officer, regularly helps the class. In fact, he was the one who located the bench for their lottery. The Hard Workers Youth Services Co-op, which is managed by Blanchard, built it last summer and had not yet painted it. The young members of the co-op offered it as a gift to the leadership class, which then painted it red, white and blue and adorned it with a yellow star.



PHOTO: Seif Helmy, Raphaël Duchesne, Tyrell Lloyd and Brennen Gallant from the leadership and entrepreneurship class at École François Buote in Charlottetown are selling tickets on this beautiful Acadian bench to raise funds to purchase a mascot costume for the school’s Jaguars teams.


For more information:

Seif Helmy
Student Spokesperson
Leadership and Entrepreneurship Class
École François-Buote


Maxime Duguay
Leadership and Entrepreneurship Class
École François-Buote