Free defensive driving course for francophone newcomers

CHARLOTTETOWN – Feb. 21, 2018 – PEI’s rules of the road and its driving conditions can be fairly different than those in other countries of the world. RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s LIENS project (Linking Economic Immigration to Our Successes) therefore wants to provide francophone newcomers an opportunity to better arm themselves to face local driving conditions with defensive and preventative driving strategies – free of charge.

LIENS is organizing a three-hour workshop, in French, specifically for these newcomers Saturday, March 10, at 9 a.m. at the Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean, at 5 Acadian Drive, Charlottetown. Joe Byrne, a driving instructor with Abegweit Driving School, will lead the workshop and answer any questions the participants may have.

The morning session will begin with light free breakfast and will end with a lunch. Both are free.

Please note that the session will be in-class only. An actual on-the-road workshop, also free of charge, will be provided at a later date when road conditions are suitable. Participants are not required to have a driver’s license for the classroom session, but they will require one for the driving session.

A babysitting service will be provided as needed.

Everyone wishing to participate is asked to register by March 7 by contacting Josée Ouellette at 902-854-3439, Ext. 228, or at


CUTLINE: Joe Byrne from Abegweit Driving School will be delivering a course in defensive and preventative driving for newcomers March 10 in Charlottetown.



For more information:
Chérine Stévula
LIENS project coordinator
902-370-7333, Ext. 404