March 9th workshops to show « How to apply for a federal position »

WELLINGTON – Feb. 22, 2018 – Over the years, a lot of people have most likely been interested by some type of federal job they’ve seen posted but they may have hesitated to pursue the matter because they weren’t sure how to apply or exactly what was expected of them interview-wise.

To answer all such questions, two workshops bearing the theme « How to apply for a federal position » are being planned for Friday, March 9.

The first one will be held at 8:30 a.m. in the form of a breakfast-and-learn session at the Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean at 5 Acadian Drive in Charlottetown. The second will be held at 12 noon, in the form of a lunch-and-learn at the Wellington Rural Action Centre (RAC) at 48 Mill Road, Wellington. Everyone who understands French and is interested by the topic is welcomed to attend.

The Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI (CCAFLIPE), the Wellington RAC and the LIENS project (Linking Economic Immigration to our Successes) are jointly hosting these session, which are being delivered in French.

« Obviously, the objective of these workshops is to explain to everyone the procedure that must be followed to submit a job application for a federal government position and then to demystify the interview and hiring process, » explains Chamber events coordinator, Raymond J. Arsenault. « We’ll start off by talking in general terms about the application process for most types of federal jobs. Then we’ll delve into the particular procedures that are involved for jobs from the Canada Revenue Agency, including those offered at its Summerside Tax Centre. »

The first presenter will be Isabelle Naud, team leader with the Public Service Commission of Canada in Halifax, N.S. This is the federal organization that does most of the recruiting for a majority of federal departments. The second presenter will be Shawn Bernard, strategic recruiting counselor with the Canada Revenue Agency at the Summerside Tax Centre.

The registration fee, which covers the meal, is $5 for members of the Acadian Chamber and $10 for non-members.

Those who are interested must register no later than Monday, March 5, by contacting Josée Ouellette at the Wellington Rural Action Centre at 902-854-3439, Ext. 228, or at



CUTLINE: Isabelle Naud and Shawn Bernard will be delivering workshops entitled « How to apply for a federal position » March 9 in Charlottetown and Wellington.

For more information:
Raymond J. Arsenault
Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI
902-854-3439, Ext. 231