Attractive logo unveiled to accompany theme of 2018 Jeux de l’Acadie 50+ Games

SUMMERSIDE, PEI – May 25, 2017 – An attractive, multi-colored design, focusing primarily on the bridge that connects PEI with the rest of Acadia, has just been adopted as the official logo for the 6th edition of the Jeux de l’Acadie 50+ Games, being held for a first time on the Island Sept. 13-16, 2018.

This logo, conceived by visual artist Jacinthe Laforest, proudly accompanies and integrates the slogan “Y’a longtemps qu’on vous attend” (We’ve been waiting for you for a long time), which was adopted some time ago.

The logo was officially unveiled during the annual general meeting of the principal partner of the games, l’Association des francophones de l’âge d’or de l’Î.-P.-É., Thursday, May 25, in Summerside. Its designer explained its significance.

“The Confederation Bridge, represented by stylized arches in the colors of the Acadian flag, is crowned by a yellow star above the blue portion of the bridge. These arches are contained in a sort of triangle that represents PEI, with the water, the land (cliffs) and the inhabited surface represented in green,” she explained.

“The bicycle, the heart that transforms into an apple and the playing cards represent the sports, wellbeing and leisure facets of the games. And finally, in the background, I added a road linking the title and the dates of event to the rest of the design, but also to represent the travelling that must be done to get to the Island.”

Laforest integrated the slogan in italics under the logo, between two treble clefs, which represent the omnipresent music heard through the villages of the Evangeline Musical Region. One of the clefs is perfect to represent professional musicians while the second one is a bit twisted to represent the amateur musicians who sometimes play a bit off-key.

Maria Bernard, president of the 2018 Jeux de l’Acadie 50+ Games Organizing Committee, explained the committee had invited submissions from a few artistes and chose Laforest’s fantastic design for several reasons.

“We like her logo primarily because it accurately represents the colors and the star of Acadia, in addition to various aspects of the games – a cycling, card games and an apple-heart,” she noted. “And the bridge is obviously synonymous with the link between our two shores.”

“As far as the theme is concerned, it represents excitement since we’re really looking forward to welcome our Acadian friends from the other side of the Northumberland Strait and resilience because we’ve been waiting for a long time to host this important event in our province,” concluded the president.

PEI expects to welcome some 300 participants to the Games’ four full days of sports, cultural, recreational, health and multi-generational activities. The Games will take place in several community and recreational facilities in the Evangeline and Summerside areas. It is estimated that they will contribute about $100,000 in spinoff benefits to the area, thereby helping extend the East Prince region’s tourism season.



CUTLINE: Participating in the unveiling of the logo for the 2018 Jeux de l’Acadie 50+ Games, May 25 in Summerside, were, from left, Jacinthe Laforest, the visual artist who designed the logo; Maria Bernard, president of the Organizing Committee of 2018 Jeux de l’Acadie 50+ Games; Yvonne Pitre, president of the Association des francophones de l’âge d’or de l’Î.-P.-É.; and Jean-Guy Frenette, president of the Jeux de l’Acadie 50+ Games Steering Committee from Bathurst, N.B.


For more information:
Claude Blaquière
Organizing Committee of the 2018 Jeux de l’Acadie 50+ Games