Sales pitch training planned for entrepreneurs

Along with info session on sales missions to Quebec

CHARLOTTETOWN – Aug. 15, 2019 – All entrepreneurs who are interested in learning more about developing their sales pitch and about participating in sales missions to Quebec with RDÉE Prince Edward Island are invited to participate in a free training and information day Monday, Sept. 16, at the Atlantic Technology Centre at 176 Great George Street, Charlottetown.

The material covered would also be quite handy for those who are considering applying to the next rounds of the Ignition Contest (both the regular English-language competition or RDÉE PEI’s French edition to be launched this fall).

The day-long event, organized in collaboration with Innovation PEI, will be divided into three parts.

First, Andrea Johnson, a marketing “therapist” with Brain Candy Marketing in Toronto, Ontario, will deliver a general session on sales pitches in English from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. It will show participants how to captivatingly describe their company and products, how to present the competitive advantages that their company offers and how to convince potential buyers to buy.

The methods offered at this workshop on « Strategic Storytelling » are particularly effective for face-to-face sales meetings since they capture and hold the potential buyers’ attention and interest. By telling one’s story in such a manner, one can more easily create emotional bonds, she says.

Following a free lunch, Johnson will have one-on-one meetings with entrepreneurs who will participate in the next RDÉE sales mission to Quebec, which is scheduled for the end of October. Other entrepreneurs interested in meeting her individually can also make a request in advance.

Finally, from 4-6 p.m., RDÉE PEI will host a « wine and cheese » type reception with hors d’oeuvres for all entrepreneurs who would like to learn more about its sales missions in Quebec. During this bilingual session, organizers will explain how these missions unfold, the necessary preparation, the required investment of time and funds, sales appointments, travel and accommodation, etc., will be explained. Former participants will provide testimonials on the many benefits received through their participation in such missions.

This day is intended not only for those who have confirmed their participation in the next sales mission in Quebec but also for all those who are interested in the concept but who are not yet sure if they want to participate.

« People will have the opportunity to freely ask any questions they may have, » says Robert Maddix, who coordinates RDÉE PEI’s missions.

Participation in this full day or portions of the day is completely free of charge but interested entrepreneurs must register no later than Tuesday, Sept. 10, by contacting Maddix at or 902-370-7333, ext. 403.



PHOTO : Robert Maddix, coordinator of RDÉE PEI’s Quebec sales missions, and Jamie Blanchard from Innovation PEI are jointly organizing a training and information days on sales pitches and sales missions on Sept. 16 in Charlottetown.




For more information:

Robert Maddix
Coordinator of sales missions
RDÉE Prince Edward Island
(902) 370-7333, ext. 403