Social media: sell your story, your team, rather than your products

SUMMERSIDE – Oct. 3, 2019 – Two marketing and communications officers from Summerside companies believe that social media platforms should not be used to try to sell products. They suggest that much better results will be attained by « selling » a company’s history, its successes, its employees and its customers. Jamie MacPhail of ADL and Myles MacKinnon of Centennial Kia offered these suggestions – and many other useful tips – to the 26 business people attending a breakfast-and-learn entitled « Let’s Get Social » Thursday, Oct. 3, in Summerside. The event was organized by the Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce (GSCC) in partnership with the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI and the Wellington Rural Action Centre (RAC). In the photo from left are Myles MacKinnon, Velma LeBlanc, Wellington RAC’s client information officer, Tara Maddix, executive director of the GSCC, and Jamie MacPhail.