Stéphane Blanchard to take over as executive director of RDÉE Prince Edward Island Oct. 23

WELLINGTON – Aug. 17, 2023 – The Board of Directors of RDÉE Prince Edward Island is proud to announce that its next executive director will be Rustico’s Stéphane Blanchard. He will begin his new duties on Oct. 23, in order to spend two weeks in transition with outgoing executive director Bonnie Gallant, who is retiring from the RDÉE Nov. 3.

« Mr. Blanchard is already very familiar with the workings of RDÉE PEI, having worked here since 2013, » says president Dr. Christian Lacroix. « We first hired him as a development officer responsible for the youth sector. In 2019, we added the duties of assistant executive director to his responsibilities. Then, in January 2022, he changed sectors, becoming responsible for the sustainable development sector. In addition, he continued to oversee the Faut que ça grouille! youth leadership program. »

Blanchard is also already a member of several provincial, Atlantic and national committees as development officer and assistant executive director. He already plays an important role in the development of the Island’s Acadian and Francophone community. The Board of Directors therefore expects his transition to be quite natural.

« We strongly believe in Mr. Blanchard’s ability; we wish him much luck and success as he takes over as executive director of our provincial economic development council, » adds the president.

The new executive director accepts the position with honor, knowing that he is well supported by the organization’s other employees. « We have a great team here at RDÉE Prince Edward Island. I’m very confident that our ship will continue to stay on course! » he noted.



PHOTO: Stéphane Blanchard will become RDÉE PEI’s new executive director on Oct. 23.


For further information, please contact:

Dr Christian Lacroix
President of the Board of Directors
RDÉE Prince Edward Island

Stéphane Blanchard
Incoming executive director
RDÉE Prince Edward Island
(902) 388-8460