Looking for more PEI entrepreneurs for virtual sales mission to Montreal

MONTREAL – August 12, 2020 – RDÉE Prince Edward Island’s next sales mission to Montreal will finally take place this fall, but entrepreneurs will have to participate virtually rather than physically. And since this online mission will be considerably less expensive, a greater number of bilingual Island entrepreneurs will be able to participate.

Co-ordinator Robert Maddix noted that this mission was scheduled for last spring but had to be postponed due to the global pandemic. And since there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding interprovincial travel for this fall, it was decided to proceed for the first time by virtual means. The 2020 mission will therefore take place during and around the week of Oct. 19-23.

For a registration fee of $200, each of the participating entrepreneurs will receive training on virtual sales pitches. After meeting each of these Island businesses to get to know their products in depth, the Quebec firm Clientis will set up individual online appointments with a minimum of 10 potential buyers.


“Usually, our funding allows us to bring eight producers or manufacturers from the Island to Montreal for about a week,” notes Mr. Maddix. “This fall, because of the new format and reduced expenses, we’ll be able to accommodate a dozen participants. At last count, we had seven confirmations, so we’re looking for five more companies that would be willing to explore the Montreal market.”

Funders are also willing to pay for software (such as Zoom) or other computer tools to ensure that entrepreneurs can participate effectively and professionally in their virtual meetings.

There are really no restrictions on the type of product or service that can be offered for sale. However, participants must have the ability to communicate in French since the majority of Montreal buyers with whom they will be doing business speak French. The meetings can simply be information-sharing discussions about the buyer’s needs and the seller’s ability to meet those needs. However, it is expected that the meetings will mainly be sales contract negotiations.

“Typically, our participants come back from our missions with very decent sales, so it’s well worth the time and effort to participate, especially this time since the time that business people will invest is considerably reduced,” adds Maddix.

Interested parties must register by Aug. 31. For more information about the mission or to register, contact Maddix at robert@rdeeipe.org.

These missions are organized in partnership with Innovation PEI and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.



PHOTO: Ghislaine Cormier from Kaneshii Vinyl Press, former participant in RDÉE PEI’s sales missions, is seen participating in a preparatory training session with Francis Nappert from the consulting firm Clientis.

For more information:

Robert Maddix
Sales Mission Coordinator
RDÉE Prince Edward Island Inc.