Wellington RAC partners in collaborative discussions

WELLINGTON – Feb. 14, 2024 – For the first time in several years, Wellington’s Rural Action Centre organized a meeting of its government and community partners to share about their services and programs and to discuss potential collaborations. This first meeting served mainly to inform participants about what the other service providers around the table do. The next meeting, scheduled for September, will focus more on projects that are underway and how the partners can help move them forward. Seated from left are Josée Arsenault, client information officer with the Wellington RAC; Giselle Bernard, community development officer from the provincial Rural Economic Development Division; Natalie MacDonald, economic development officer with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; standing, Erika Naruzawa, special projects officer with CBDC Central PEI; Stéphane Blanchard, executive director of RDÉE Prince Edward Island; and Raymond J. Arsenault, manager of the Acadian and Francophone Chamber of Commerce of PEI.